
Home remedies for a healthy and glowing skin

The adage ‘One man’s food is another’s poison’ fits like a T when it comes to our skin. What may be good for someone’s skin may be damaging to someone else’s. The market is flooded with cosmetic products which claim to give you a healthy, glowing skin. But there is no guarantee that these beauty products may not contain chemicals that could damage your skin. Sticking to home remedies is not only safe but healthy.

Oily Skin

If you have oily skin, the first thing to do is to stay away from oily or cheesy foods.

Wash your face with cold water as many times as you can.

Before applying make-up first apply -astringent lotion and wait for 5 minutes.

Take equal quantity of cucumber juice and lime juice and apply on your body and wait for 15 minutes before having a shower with lukewarm or cold water. Do this for one month and you will find your skin losing its oily taint.

In a bowl pour water half way and add 5-6 drops of eau de cologne and refrigerate. After 1 hour remove it from the fridge and apply with cotton whenever you feel your skin is oily.

Wash your face with lime juice mixed in ice-cold water. You will feel fresh and clean.

Take an egg white and apply to your face, after it dries soap your face with chickpea flour and then wash it. This face pack is ideal for people with oily skin.

Mix 5-6 drops of lime juice with one tablespoon of apple juice and apply this to your face. Wait for 15 minutes and wash your face with cold water.

Mash cucumber or tomato and apply it on the face. Wash the face after 15-20 minutes.

Mix 1 egg and 1 teaspoon of honey and apply as face pack and wash off after 10-15 minutes.

If you think you are going to be overexposed to sun take this precautionary measure. Dip a piece of cotton in fresh buttermilk and apply it on your face and neck. Wash your face after 10 minutes.

Mix 5-6 drops of rose water in 4 tablespoons of ice water and apply it on face. This will help to control oiliness and make you feel fresh.

Wash your face 2-3 times with soap. Then mix mint juice with rose water and apply to your face and wait for 10-15 minutes and wash with cold water.

Use deep cleanser or almond cleansing milk and almond moisturising cream. Once in a week use an almond face pack.

Finally, make sure the soaps you use are glycerine based.

Dry Skin

A balance of oil and moisture is crucial for healthy, attractive skin. The absence of adequate moisture or oil causes the skin to dry up.

Apply a combination of lemon and honey. This is more effective than any moisturiser available in the market.

Spray an herbal or floral water mist on your skin throughout the day to replenish lost moisture. Almost all skin types, but particularly dry, benefit from lavender.

Always moisturize your skin after cleansing and at other times throughout the day, if necessary, to keep it from drying out. Use a liquid moisturizer or facial oil that contains nutrients and other natural ingredients.

Do not use solid, waxy moisturising creams.

Drink at least 2 quarts of quality water every day to keep the skin well.

Aloe vera has excellent soothing, healing and moisturising properties. It also helps to slough off dead cells. Apply aloe vera gel on affected areas.

Cocoa butter also helps reduce skin wrinkling.

Do not drink soft drinks or eat sugar, chocolate, potato chips, or other junk foods.

Avoid alcohol and caffeine. These substances have a diuretic effect, causing the body including the skin cells to lose fluids and essential minerals.

Do not use harsh soaps, cold cream or cleansing creams on your skin. Do not use very hot water when bathing.

Drugs like diuretics, antispasmodics and antihistamines that contribute to dryness should be avoided.

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