
Money key to a longer life

It’s a research which many may not agree with — money is the key to a longer and healthier life. Researchers have found that those with more wealth and better education are less likely to develop illness and tend to die later as compared to those who are poorer and less well-educated.

On the contrary, those with less education and money are more likely to say they are depressed or to suffer from illnesses such as high blood pressure, diabetes or obesity, according to the researchers. What’s more interesting is that the study found that people who get the choice of early retirement are also more likely to enjoy a longer life.

Early retirement is generally good for people’s health and well being unless it has been forced on them. Those forced into early retirement generally have poorer mental health than those who take routine retirement, who in turn have poorer mental health than those who have taken voluntary early retirement,” researchers say.

Healthy Life
Early retirement good for Health

These findings have implications for us all. Increases in life expectancy raise major challenges for public policy. Among these is the need to respond to marked inequalities in economic position and life expectancy at older ages.

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