
How to be a women magnet?

In a bid to improve their social skills and sex life, many men tend to splash loads of money to flirt with cute young chicks and end up as frustrated blokes. In India, there are no coaches who could give you practical lessons on how to flirt.

Neil Strauss’s book, The Game, inspired a generation of geeks to learn the art of flirting. Few online websites, where wannabe pick up artists boast about their sexual conquests together, are increasingly common on the Web, encouraging a generation of arrogant seducers. But most slam the above approaches. The Game gives the impression that women are confused that none of them know what they want. That’s incredibly patronising as most of the women know exactly what they want.

Here are a few tips worth trying out:

  • Always try to be just yourself when approaching women. Be natural within.
  • Remember some of the nicest women to approach are the good-looking ones. These women are social and have been to plenty of parties they’re used to talking to strangers.
  • Winning a girl is all about taking interest in her and one does not require any sleaze for that. Ask her big questions and care about the answers. What is her big dream in life? If she could go anywhere, where would she like to? What makes her truly happy? Create a rapport by getting her to invest in you and by sharing yourself with her.
  • Use prolonged eye contact and a cheeky smile. A good smile can make anyone fall in love, so wear your best smile. Adopt a playful tone of voice or subtle sexual innuendo and don’t shy away from risqué topics. Flirting will excite her and keep you away from the dreaded friend zone!
  • Try to make her laugh as naturally as possible, if you try too hard it would offend her. Generally, women are more attracted to men who can make them laugh.
  • Worries can easily appear on your face, be confident in your approach.
  • Over complementing the girl can make you appear wannabe and fake, rather than over complementing try to play with her or tease her in the conversation.

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