To get that perfect flick on both the sides, every time is probably the most challenging part of Make Up for any girl. You may be checking millions of tutorials on YouTube and searched another zillion of tips on Pinterest, only to confuse this complex line even more. We bring some really simple and doable hacks for that perfect eyeliner every time. Thank us later!

Heads Up & Eyes Down
This is the first and the foremost hack in doing any type of eye makeup. Most people struggle to get an accurate able for doing eye makeup. If you tilt your chin a little up and look down into the mirror, it will give a fine visibility of your lid region. In this way, it becomes easier to trace the line over your upper eyelid whilst keeping your eye open.

Go from Pencil to Liquid
Yes, we all know that liquid eyeliner is one of the most difficult thing to work with. But the advantages of liquid liner in terms of precision, pigmentation, durability of product and smudge resistance keeps us from throwing it back. So next time you want that perfect sharp cat eye, trace it first with a soft pencil liner and then glide over it with the liquid one. This will not only give you the perfect shape with minimal risks, but clean-up will also become super easy.

Join the dots
Trace the upper eyelid with little dots. Now, connect all the tiny dots to make a clean line. Voila! This is an easy trick for quick eyeliner application and will give a nice thin and smooth application.

Line the water waterline of the upper eyelid with a soft black kohl pencil for that subtle definition of upper eyelid. You may use this technique along with lining the top of upper lid for that added definition of you eyeliner. Try tight-lining with a flesh toned liner for the lower water line for more awakened and bigger eyes.

Line and curl at the same time
Applying eyeliner and curling lashes at the same time-Is that even possible?? And the answer is YES! For all those girls who are always running out of time, just glide your liner over the lash curler and curl. You won’t just end up curling your lashes but the liner on curler will transfer on the upper eyelid, saving that precious time and effort in applying one!

Stamp it!
Yes you got it right! We are actually talking of stamps. There are several stamps available in the market which you just need to ink &stamp on your eyelid….the perfect cat eye in seconds.

Wand is lazy girl’s best friend
This is for the 5 minute makeup routine. You are in a rush or just don’t feel like spending those hours on number of make-up steps: use this hack! Line the upper eyelid and swap Mascara on lashes in single step. Take the Mascara wand close to eyelash roots and swipe on the mascara without the wiggly motion. This will deposit the mascara between the lashes to give an appearance of fine straight liner along the lash line.

The Q Story
The Q tip is perhaps the best kept secret behind those perfect cat eyes. Smudges, over lining, irregular outline-whatever it may, just clean I up with a Q-tip and eye make-up remover. Dip the Q Tip in concealer to sharpen the lines of your cat eye.